AFI360° Summer School

27th and 28th May 2016

AFI 360° Summer School Registration

     Click  here  to  register  for  the  AFI360°  Summer School    

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European Alliance for Innovation community program gives you the opportunity to gain recognition and have real impact. Become a part of community and register as EAI member.
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Summer School
149 USD* 179 USD* 120 USD* 159 USD 199 USD 249 USD
Summer school + AFI360° Conference package
200 USD* 249 USD* 175 USD* 199 USD 269 USD 339 USD


* Early bird discount is valid until 15th May 2016

For a special price attendees have a possibility to attend the AFI360° Co-located scientific conference and AFI360° Summer School.

Participants have to bring their own laptop/notebook


Nadia Berthouze

Professor, University College London

Héctor Morales

Senior Cloud Architect at Cisco

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel

postdoc research fellow at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

Javier Solis Gonzalez

New Products Development Manager at INFOTEC (CONACYT Research Center)

Summer School Sponsors

AFI360° SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS (27th and 28th May)

Empowering everyday physical rehabilitation through affective-aware sensing technology

Workshop Instructor: Nadia Berthouze  May 27th  9.00-13.00

The emergence of low-cost full-body sensing technology has opened new possibilities to support physical rehabilitation in long-term conditions.

Building on lessons learnt from the EPSRC-funded interdisciplinary Emo&Pain project (www., I will discuss how such technology could lead to more effective physical rehabilitation through integrating it in everyday activities and supporting users at both physical and psychological levels.

I will also discuss how this sensing technology allows us to go beyond simply measuring and reflecting on one’s behaviour by exploiting embodied bottom-up mechanisms that enhance the perception of one’s body and its capabilities. In doing so, I will also highlight the challenges we need to address.

Copyright, privacy and data protection in the Future Internet

Workshop Instructor: Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel  May 27th  15.00–19.00 

The advent of new technologies enabling the Future Internet has raised a number of legal and ethical challenges for which no unanimous response has been given. One of these problems revolves around the idea of copypright in the new Web. A second problem stems from the presence of personal data in the hyperconnected world. Both questions are concerned with the problem of setting limits in the access to information, and in both cases different interests and rights collide, generating legal and ethical issues. This tutorial will have a practical character by identifying some of the legal aspects every practitioner of the Future Internet should know –with special emphasis in the current European legal framework. The tutorial will also have a more speculative part, by identifying some of the ethical issues now being discussed and which will shape the Future Internet. The tutorial is structured in three parts.  Legal framework of copyright and data protection in Europe. The current copyright and data protection European directives will be examined, as well as the future European General Data Protection Regulation, from the perspective of both publishers and consumers of either data or content.  Overview of technologies supporting copyright and privacy management. A high-level overview of past, present and future Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies to manage copyrighted content and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) to preserve privacy and implement data protection will be given.  Ethical questions for the Future Internet. On the light of the existing technologies and the promises of the Future Internet, a set of problems that go beyond the legal regulation will be identified and posed as future challenges.

Workshop of Introduction to Internet of Things with FiWare and Cloudino

Workshop Instructor:  Javier Solis Gonzalez  May 27th  09.00 -13.00   15.00 – 19.00


* FiWare (Definition, Origins, Application Domains, Ecosystem, ExistingNodes)
* Stage: FiWare Lab Santander
* Generic Enablers: The building blocks in FiWare
* Orion Context Broker
* Examples of operations with the Orion Context Broker
* Connecting devices IoT to FiWare
* Example IoT architecture with FiWare
* Mexican Node of FiWare
* Arduino Platform
* Arduino and IoT
* Cloudino IoT Platform
* Cloudino WiFi Connector
* Cloudino Cloud Service
* Connecting Cloudino to FiWare
* Examples and Use Cases

Getting started on Intel Edison

Workshop Instructor: Mario Santana Lopez  May 28th  09.00-13.00   15.00-19.00

Nowadays, one of the most popular topics about technology is the Internet of Things, which is not just about connecting any device to the internet and monitoring and manipulating their variables, the capabilities of IoT are even bigger but its potential to keep growing will depend also on the capabilities of the platforms it will reside in. This course is intended to show the capabilities of one of the trending platforms in the current IoT market, Intel Edison, and how it can fit for multiple technological projects. This training will cover from understanding the hardware and firmware of the platform, the different approaches that exist to develop a complete system solution, the tools that are available to expand its capabilities and the communities that are already outside and how to create new projects with this platform. Workshop is for people who are interested in creating IoT or embedded applications where a high processing is needed or helpful, or who are curious about new platforms both from hardware and software perspective. Previous experience in other platforms and projects in mind to target Intel Edison boards are nice to have.

– Edison overview
– Edison project examples
– HW specifications
– Edison setting up
– Edison with Arduino
– Arduino/Linux interaction
– Linux environment settings
– Linux programming
– Iot Analytics
– MCU overview
– MCU programming
– MCU/CPU comparison and interfacing
– HW design tips and tricks
– Conclusion and wrap-up

Cloud Workshop with Openstack

Workshop Instructor: Héctor Morales  May 28th  09.00 – 13.00  15.00 – 19.00

By the year 2020, an entire generation, Generation C (for ³connected²), will have grown up in a primarily digital world. Computers, the Internet, mobile phones, texting, social networking. This generation will be familiar to mobile networks use, they will rely completely on it as we do today with the electric grid and this will be the primary mean to communicate with large social networks of family, friends and business. In this presentation we will talk about this megatrend and how the Digital Era will transform the way we know how business run today, how education is provided today and how life in general will change. Consumers will get used to be connected permanently changing the way branding and marketing are done. Technology will continue moving more quickly and will influence digital transformation in most of the industries, outside of IT. Low-cost connected devices, cloud computing and applications development will define how infrastructure is built. Finally, the economic impact will come from new consumption models, connected governments, entire connected cities and a whole new wave of companies with unprecedented valuations influencing other industries.

Open Cloud Computing Platform using Openstack ­ 4 hours