Making the Intelligent Home Smart Through Touch-Control Trigger-Action Programming Guan Wang and Michael Littman
An Experimental Evaluation of IoT Technologies in Precision Viticulture Luis Orozco-Barbosa, Francisco Montero-Garcia, Antonio Brasa-Ramos and Francisco Montero-Riquelme
CML-WSN: a Configurable Multi-Layer Wireless Sensor Network Simulator Carolina Del-Valle-Soto, Fernando Lezama, Jafet Rodriguez, Carlos Mex-Perera and Enrique Muñoz de Cote
Conceptual model for the explanation of the phenomenon of Radical Innovation at the Disruption of Internet of Things, on scales of SmartObjects, SmartHomes and SmartCities Paulo David Soasti Bareta and Gerardo Muñíz
MAIoT – an IoT architecture with reasoning and dialogue capability (short paper) Juan Carlos Nieves, Esteban Guerrero, Daniel Andrade
16:30 – 18:10 Technical Session: FI-eHEALTH (Chair: Felipe Orihuela)
A conversational Agent for Use in the Identification of Rare Diseases Ana Olivia Caballero-Lambert, Cesar Horacio Torres-Montañez and Marcelo Funes-Gallanzi
Using Intermediate Models and Knowledge Learning to Improve Stress Prediction Alban Maxhuni, Pablo Hernandez-Leal, Eduardo Morales Manzanares, L. Enrique Sucar, Venet Osmani, Angelica Munoz Melendez and Oscar Mayora
An Internet System to Self-Monitoring and Assess Feeding in Young Mexicans Miguel Murguía-Romero, Bernardo Serrano-Estrada, Itzell A. Gallardo-Ortíz, J. Rafael Jiménez-Flores and Rafael Villalobos-Molina
Sensor Abstracted Extremity Representation for Automatic Fugl-Meyer Assessment Patrick Heyer, Felipe Orihuela-Espina, Luis R. Castrejón, Jorge Hernández-Franco and Luis Enrique Sucar
18:15 – 20:15 Sightseeing tour of Puebla (optional)
10:00 – 11:05 Technical Session: FINE (Chair: Miguel González)
A platform for Augmented Reality Content Creation (short paper) Fernando Vera, J. Alfredo Sánchez
Strategic Learning Meta-model (SLM): Architecture of the Regulation Model (RM) based on the Cloud Computing Rafaela-Blanca Silva-López, Oscar Herrera-Alcántara and Jalil Fallad-Chávez
Overview of a Framework for Ubiquitous User Models Interoperability (short paper) María de Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Miguel González Mendoza
Optimal Scheduling of on/off Cycles: a Decentralized IoT Microgrid Approach Fernando Lezama, Ansel Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alessandro Farinelli, Enrique Munoz De Cote and Jorge Palominos
Exploiting Data Of The Twitter Social Network Using Sentiment Analysis (short paper) David Gonzalez-Marron, David Mejia-Guzman and Angelica Enciso-Gonzalez, Miguel González Mendoza
Decentralized Control for Power Distribution with Ancillary Lines in the Smart Grid Michele Roncalli and Alessandro Farinelli
GARMDROID: IoT Potential Security Threats Analysis through the Inference of Android Applications Hardware Features Requirements Abraham Rodríguez Mota, Ponciano Jorge Escamilla-Ambrosio, Jassim Happa and Eleazar Aguirre Anaya
13:05 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 16:00 Keynote: Javier Araujo Campos (Chair: Adriana Tapus)
16:00 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 18:00 Technical Session: SCIFI (Chair: Juan Manuel Ahuactzin)
Smart cities for the rest of us (short paper) Miguel Angel Ylizaliturri-Salcedo, Leocundo Aguilar-Noriega, J. Antonio Garcia-Macias, Raul Cardenas-Osuna
Towards a Smart Highway Lighting System Based on Road Occupancy: Model Design and Simulation Ahmad M. Mustafa, Omar M. Abubakr, Ahmed H. Derbala, Essam Ahmed, Bassem Mokhtar
Smart Disaster Response through Localized Short-Term Cooperation Youna Jung
Towards a Generic Ontology for Video Surveillance (short paper) Pablo Hernandez-Leal, Hugo Jair Escalante, and L. Enrique Sucar
18:00 – 18:30 Closing
20:30 – 24:00 Gala Dinner
CALL FOR SHORT PAPERS and DEMOS for AFI 360° Conference
AFI 360° Summit 2016 is a unique event bringing a 360 degree perspective on Future Internet and its Applications. The Summit will provide an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration for the Future Internet between the European Union and Latin America, Mexico in particular, towards joint projects and the FIWIRE initiative.
SUBMIT PAPER Deadline – April 15, 2016
Short Papers – 4 pages (work in progress, applications, etc.) Demo Papers – 2 pages (description of the demo, prototype, etc.)
Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST Authors’ Kit. Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage
Accepted Papers for AFI 360° Conference
A conversational Agent for Use in the Identification of Rare Diseases Ana Olivia Caballero-Lambert, Cesar Horacio Torres-Montañez and Marcelo Funes-Gallanzi
Integrated Patient Education on U.S. Hospital Web Sites Edgar Huang, Kerong Wu and Kelsey Edwards
An Internet System to Self-Monitoring and Assess Feeding in Young Mexicans Miguel Murguía-Romero, Bernardo Serrano-Estrada, Itzell A. Gallardo-Ortíz, J. Rafael Jiménez-Flores and Rafael Villalobos-Molina
Using Intermediate Models and Knowledge Learning to Improve Stress Prediction Alban Maxhuni, Pablo Hernandez-Leal, Eduardo Morales Manzanares, L. Enrique Sucar, Venet Osmani, Angelica Munoz Melendez and Oscar Mayora
Sensor Abstracted Extremity Representation for Automatic Fugl-Meyer Assessment Patrick Heyer, Felipe Orihuela-Espina, Luis R. Castrejón, Jorge Hernández-Franco and Luis Enrique Sucar
Optimal Scheduling of on/off Cycles: a Decentralized IoT Microgrid Approach Fernando Lezama, Ansel Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alessandro Farinelli, Enrique Munoz De Cote and Jorge Palominos
Decentralized Control for Power Distribution with Ancillary Lines in the Smart Grid Michele Roncalli and Alessandro Farinelli
An Experimental Evaluation of IoT Technologies in Precision Viticulture Luis Orozco-Barbosa, Francisco Montero-Garcia, Antonio Brasa-Ramos and Francisco Montero-Riquelme
GARMDROID: IoT Potential Security Threats Analysis through the Inference of Android Applications Hardware Features Requirements Abraham Rodríguez Mota, Ponciano Jorge Escamilla-Ambrosio, Jassim Happa and Eleazar Aguirre Anaya
MLI-WSN: a Multi-layer Integrated Wireless Sensor Network Simulator Carolina Del-Valle-Soto, Fernando Lezama, Jafet Rodriguez, Carlos Mex-Perera and Enrique Muñoz de Cote
Conceptual model for the explanation of the phenomenon of Radical Innovation at the Disruption of Internet of Things, on scales of SmartObjects, SmartHomes and SmartCities Paulo David Soasti Bareta and Gerardo Muñíz
Making the Intelligent Home Smart Through Touch-Control Trigger-Action Programming Guan Wang and Michael Littman
Strategic Learning Meta-model (SLM): Architecture of the Regulation Model (RM) based on the Cloud Computing Rafaela-Blanca Silva-López, Oscar Herrera-Alcántara and Jalil Fallad-Chávez
Smart Disaster Response through Localized Short-Term Cooperation Youna Jung
Towards a Smart Highway Lighting System Based on Road Occupancy: Model Design and Simulation Ahmad M. Mustafa, Omar M. Abubakr, Ahmed H. Derbala, Essam Ahmed, Bassem Mokhtar
Context Driven Content Centric Networking for Smart Buildings Yue Jia, Bo Lyu, Min Liang, Ji Tu, Yangzhao Yang
Logistic Truck Sharing for Green Transport Ichiro Satoh
MAIoT – an IoT architecture with reasoning and dialogue capability
Juan Carlos Nieves, Esteban Guerrero, Daniel Andrade
Towards a Generic Ontology for Video Surveillance
Pablo Hernandez-Leal, Hugo Jair Escalante, and L. Enrique Sucar
Smart cities for the rest of us
Miguel Angel Ylizaliturri-Salcedo, Leocundo Aguilar-Noriega, J. Antonio Garcia-Macias, Raul Cardenas-Osuna
Exploiting Data Of The Twitter Social Network Using Sentiment Analysis
David Gonzalez-Marron, David Mejia-Guzman and Angelica Enciso-Gonzalez, Miguel González Mendoza
A platform for Augmented Reality Content Creation
Fernando Vera, J. Alfredo Sánchez
Overview of a Framework for Ubiquitous User Models Interoperability
María de Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Miguel González Mendoza