Schahram Dustdar

FINE 2016 Keynote

Schahram Dustdar


Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science and head of the Distributed Systems Group at the TU Vienna

Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science and head of the Distributed Systems Group at the TU Vienna. From 2004-2010 he was Honorary Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computing Science at the University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology and on the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE Computer. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computing (an SCI-ranked journal of Springer). Dustdar is recipient of the ACM Distinguished Scientist award (2009), the IBM Faculty Award (2012), and an IEEE Senior Member (2009). Dustdar is a member of the Academia Europaea: The Academy of Europe..